healthy lifestyle


12 Healthy Lunch Suggestions & Recipes – advance meal prep options or quick on the go lunches

 spice sweet potato immune system


Soup – is a comforting lunch option particularly on cold winter days and is a great way to get your veggies in. Just make sure to always include a source of protein in.......

Cook Smarter Not Harder – Time Saver Tips

 Preparing healthy meals for you and your family can be challenging at times particularly if you are time pressed and juggling lots of responsibilities! However,there are simple things we can all do to make life easier on ourselves whilst still getting healthy meals on the table.

The ‘No More Excuses’ Weight Loss Guide

Stop Making Excuses & Start Losing Weight
A challenge with a twist! Do you make excuses in order to justify making unhealthy food choices? e.g. It’s only a small piece, I’ll make up for it tomorrow, I’m too tired to cook, there’s nothing else to eat, I’ve had a stressful day, I’ll start fresh on Monday, …

Nutrition Tips To Support Mental Health

Along with exercise, quality sleep and stress management, getting the right balance of nutrients into your body is essential for good physical and mental health. Both are completely interlinked so by supporting your physical health you are supporting your mental health and vice versa. Even making small changes to your diet can improve the way you feel.

low sugar diets

Why Diets Don’t Work….And What Does


If I could make one wish as a nutritionist, it just might be that the word ‘diet’ completely disappears from our consciousness. So why am I so against dieting? So many reasons, so little space…but here’s a few good reasons why:

lower sugar lifestyle

When it comes to embracing a lower sugar lifestyle, the topic of fruit and fructose confuses so many people.

Should you eat fruit on a low sugar diet? Will fructose make me fat? Aren’t all forms of sugar bad? How much per day is recommended? Which are high/low sugar fruits?

Fructose fruit apple