Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

      Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Open your heart and shoulders in chest opening yoga poses like Camel Pose, Fish Pose and Wild Thing.

Bow Pose

Bend back into the shape of a bow to feel energetically locked, loaded, and ready to take aim
Bow Pose

Camel Pose

Bump up your energy by bending back into Camel Pose.

Cobra Pose

Open the heart and roll the shoulders down to promote flexibility in Cobra Pose.
Cobra Pose

Cow Pose

Cow Pose is an easy, gentle way to warm up the spine.
Cow Pose

Fish Pose

It is said that if you perform the fish pose in water, you will be able to float like a fish.
Chris Dougherty

Locust Pose

Salabhasana or Locust Pose effectively preps beginners for deeper backbends, strengthening the back of the torso, legs, and arms.
locust pose

Sphinx Pose

Sphinx Pose is the infant of backbends. It can be practiced with either an active or passive approach.
Sphinx Pose

Upward Bow (Wheel) Pose

Need an energy boost? Urdhva Dhanurasana can help—and strengthen your arms, legs, abdomen, and spine in the process.
Wheel Pose