
Don’t Hurt Your Future Self By Quitting


“Every decision you make affects someone very special: your future self”

When you give up on your dreams and quit, you’re not just hurting you right now, you’re killing the future you as well. That future you is bound by the decisions that you make today. One day you will become that future you and wish you could change that decision to quit. By then, it’s too late to change the past.

This Is What You Should Do When Your Motivation Is Gone

lack of motivation

We both know how life feels when you’re motivated, you feel unstoppable, like you can do anything and make anything happen.

It’s What You Do On A ‘Bad Day’ That Matters.

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Last Friday was a bad day for me. I woke up late, missed the gym and didn’t meditateNone of this was intentional. I then turned my computer on to do what I do every day: blog. I was not prepared for the whirlwind that followed.

How to conquer the Impossible Space Between Where You Are Now and Where You Want to Be

risk taking
One of the first obstacles we’re going to face on this journey towards risk is one that often strikes a damaging blow to our pride and can sometimes take us to our knees

5 Ways to Remain Undefeated In Life and Cherish Each Moment Successfully

how to dominate lifeThere are 3 things that brings mean to your existence: Desire, Determination and Struggle

7 Ways Yoga Effectively Motivates You to Achieve Success


Yoga is an appointment with your own self. It is time to meet your true self and receive a return ticket to your true nature that is bliss and happiness.

The Guide to Staying Motivated While Working Alone

 how to stay motivated when working alone

Working alone at home might sound like a nightmare to some, but as a fully signed up introvert, working alone at home is an absolute dream.

6 Lessons You Can Learn from The King of the Jungle

 lessons you can learn from a lion


The One Crucial Ingredient for Success That Motivation Can’t Give You


Some people say motivation is literally the only thing you need to be successful. They say it is the crucial element in setting and attaining goals. But is that ........

7 Things You Can Do To Motivate Yourself After You’ve Experienced Failure

Failures of all types must be handled in the best way possible. But when life brings you down, you have to learn to face your failures and fears to prepare for success. Not sure if you can do it or not? Here are the best ways that can help you dust failures off yourself and get back to your routines easily:

MOTIVATION: Let Your Feet Do The Talking

 How Do We 'Walk in the Spirit'? The Meaning of Galatians 5:16

The Power of Solitude

How often do you find yourself alone? Do you regularly make time to get away by yourself?

As your life gets busier, how often do you just spend time with you?