

Develop These Two Character Traits to Become a Person Who Will Always Be Remembered


Having a decent conversation with another person is becoming increasingly difficult. It’s much easier to talk and to express one’s opinion more than ever, but it’s now far harder to converse

11 Success-Boosting Motivational Tips You Need to Hear


How many times have you enthusiastically started a weight loss program, started a weight training or aerobics program, or started learning a foreign language, only to stop after a short while? How many times have you tried to make changes in your life, to study a certain subject or to start a certain project, but failed for lack of motivation?

Top 5 Reasons Why Self-Motivation Can Prove to Be Your Strongest Armor to Stress

Stress is a detrimental force that impacts our health at all levels. It exposes us to physical pains, emotional troubles, and mental chaos. All these impacts of stress eat away our enthusiasm for living.

7 Things You Can Do Right Now to Get Your Motivation Back

Welcome to our new normal. A time in our lives that a year ago we certainly didn’t see coming that most of us probably wouldn’t have chosen for ourselves; but here we are. As the days away from each other carry on and more and more bad news comes our way, it’s easy to lose your motivation and waste energy doing things that aren’t helpful like worrying and fighting with people on the internet instead

4 Steps You Should Take to Become More Productive

Last night, a friend of mine (let’s call him Jameel) took me to his mentor. He was going to get some business advice and wanted someone to tag along for the ride. Having nothing to do for the rest of the day, I decided to ....

Reasons Why Working Faster Matters Even When You Make Mistakes

(From left) Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are close to making 158 million per year.


SUCCESS ADVICEThe Quickest Hack to Breaking Out of a Slump

I have big dreams. I have tangible things I want to achieve. I’ve known hurdles before, as have you. What do you do when the hurdles seem taller? You get to leap higherHere’s the quickest hack to break you out of that slump right how.......

7 Habits Of Successful People YOU IGNORE That Will Make You Feel Unstoppable In 2020

Many people wonder how they can become highly successful, not realizing that they hold within them everything they need to achieve all of the success they desire.

The Pandemic Helped Me Battle Test My Habits. These Are the Ones That Stood Out


Our habits can destroy us. Habits are a big part of who you are. Do something enough times and that is who you become. Smoke frequently and you are a smoker. Drink often and you become known as an alcoholic. Pray daily and you are known as religious. Study a lot and they call you nerdy.

3 Powerful Methods Anyone Can Use to Create Real Results and Succeed Faster


Can you really create real results and succeed fast? In short, the answer is yes. As long as you follow the right method and do it in the right way, you can produce extraordinary success as quickly as possible.

7 Ways to Own Your Personal Power

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For most, compliance to norms and culture are a given. As life winds down and responsibilities pile up, more often than not, one feels lost and gradually succumbs to accepting a mental state of mind that is dominated by melancholy and a loss of self-identity.

This is Why You Should Measure Your Success From a Soulful Perspective

 Success is a beautiful thing to happen with anyone. It can be as simple as getting a new client or finally breaking through that six-figure level. Deep down, though, you and I are being asked to look at success in a different light.

5 Ways To Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself And Make A Change

 By stimulating our minds with thoughts of empowerment and betterment of ourselves, we can work towards not feeling sorry for ourselves and move on with life. BELOW ARE SOME WAYS THAT YOU CAN KICKSTART YOUR LIFE AGAIN – AND YOU CAN BEGIN TODAY:

Important Factors That Make Trust Possible Under Any Circumstance

 You Have to Trust Everyone You Work With -- Including the Ones You Don't Like

Trust has a front door and a back door which is why many spend their whole life “trying” to trust other people yet, fail miserably. This is where True Resolve Under Stress Thrives.

Best Lessons I Learned From the Pandemic to Overcome Lockdowns and Achieve Success

 Have you had your heart broken because your vision didn’t come out the way you imagined? Have you had your heart broken because of a massive failure? Think about it

Why Wellbeing is the Single Most Important Skill for Your Personal and Professional Success


From the very beginning of my professional entrepreneurial journey, I’ve always had a strong passion for understanding how I could be at my best. As a young self employed 

success: This Morning Routine That Will Make You Unstoppable

man smiling in the morning drinking tea

Amazing isn't it ? Get up, brush your teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast, go to work. Day in, day out. How do you begin your day? We are creatures of habit and as such, we can easily 

Five Ways to Boost Your Happiness this Winter

 self help positive thought

Five Ways to Boost Your Happiness this Winter

When you consider the fact that sunlight is one of the best ways to increase your serotonin levels, it will come as no surprise that the winter months, with shorter, darker days, can lead to a lower mood than usual.