Arm Balancing Yoga pose


a:Dolphin plank post 

click image 
forearm plank

b:Eight-Angle Pose

Rina eight-angle-astavakrasana 

c:Firefly Pose

Want to fly? Fire up your core. Firefly pose is an arm balance pose that requires more core strength than arm strength
Firefly Pose

d:Four-Limbed Staff Pose

Learn four-limbed staff pose because it is frequently practiced as part of the traditional Sun Salutation sequence.
Chaturanga Dandasana
Peacock Pose, symbolizing big things—immortality and love—according to Hindu lore about the Peacock

f:Plank Pose

Nurture your love-hate relationship with Plank Pose. A beginner's best friend, it's the perfect precursor to more challenging arm balances.
Plank Pose

g:Side Plank Pose

A powerful arm and wrist strengthener, Side Plank takes its two-armed sibling to the next level, as an arm balance
Side Plank


h:Crane (Crow) Pose

A compact arm balance, Bakasana tones and strengthens the abs and arms.

How to say Bakasana in Sanskirt

Crane (Crow Pose) Step-by-Step Instructions

Chris Dougherty
  1. Begin in a squat with the feet together and the knees wide apart
  2. Tilt the torso forward so that the shoulders fit between the knees
  3. Grip the outer shoulders with the knees and place the palms together in front of the sternum
  4. Extend the sternum away from the navel while descending the tailbone towards the floor
  5. Place the hands on the floor shoulder distance apart and 6-8 inches ahead of the feet
  6. Come high on the toes and shift forward until the elbows stack over the wrists
  7. Continuing to reach the chest forward, lift the heels towards the buttocks
  8. Roll the heads of the upper arms back and up away from the floor
  9. Knees can either grip the outer shoulders or balance on the triceps
  10. Press the arms as straight as possible while bringing the feet and buttocks towards each other
  11. Hold for 5-10 breaths and then either release the feet to the floor or exit into Chaturanga

Crane (Crow) Pose Cues

Cautions and Contraindications of crow pose

  • Avoid or modify if you have wrist arthritis, wrist pain, or carpal tunnel
  • Avoid or modify if you have any back pain or injuries, including surgeries, osteoporosis, disc bulging or herniation, arthritis
  • Avoid if you have a hip replacement or hip pain in the pose
  • Caution for shoulder pain or injury
  • Caution or avoid if you are pregnant, particularly in the 2nd and 3rd trimester
  • Modifications and Props

Benefits of crow pose

  • Improves focus
  • Stretches your buttocks (gluteals), front of thighs (quadriceps), and the palm side of your wrist (wrist flexors), which counteracts the effects of typing
  • Strengthens your core, upper back, chest, front of your hips (hip flexors), back of thighs (hamstrings), arms, shoulders, forearms, and back of wrists (wrist extensors)

3 Ways to

 modify Crow pose

1. Crow Prep

Try just lifting one leg at a time

2. Crow with block

Chris Dougherty

Try putting a block under your feet to get some lift and more space to play with the pose.

Try Go Go Active Yoga Accessories Set

Consider putting a blanket under your head for cushioning if you fall forward

Lift one leg at a time and maybe both legs

3. Supine Crow

Chris Dougherty

Try coming into position on your back to practice

Bring your shins to the outside of your upper arms

You can keep your head down or lift for a few moments